Super high quality 1:1 copy replica bag Color: Mongo Size: 20*14.5*9.5cm Product code: 1BA906_NZV_F0458_V_EOM Leather handles Detachable, adjustable leather shoulder strap. Max. length: 120 cm – Min. length: 110 cm – Max. drop length: 60 cm – Min. drop length: 55 cm Removable leather key ring External zipper pockets Metal hardware Leather triangle with metal lettering logo on the front Snap closure on the sides Logo-print nylon lining with two pockets, including one with zipper With purse feet Packing: Box,Invoice,Cards and Dustbag.
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We are always committed to producing super quality products and fast way to shop. Your order tracking number will be added to your order. Estimated delivery time is 5-12 days. Return and Exchange Policy: - You have the right to return or exchange the product within 30 days from the purchase, provided that it is unused and the tags are still on. Since customer satisfaction is important to us, we provide a smooth return and exchange process.